About me

My name is Danila Fabretti and I’m a qualified tourist guide for Viterbo and its Province.

Having a Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature, thanks to my amazing job I can daily express the love I feel for the land where I was born and where I live to those who choose to take a guided tour with me.

On my web site I’d like to introduce you to the places where I work in Italian, English and Spanish dividing them into four main cultural areas of our heritage : the Etruscan, the Medieval, the Renaissance and the Food and Wine culture.

 I will give you some suggestions on how to combine each visit with other touristic attractions of the Tuscia territory, so to make the most of all your available time.

You will also find suggestions for traditional itineraries, where I put the must-see places. But if you have more time or have peculiar interests there are other lesser-known but still fascinating sites, and I’ll be happy to create special itineraries according to your needs.